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IT'S COLD OUTSIDE - some cozy holiday ideas

As the post title says: it's getting colder. We're having the first cold winter days over here in Finland. It's not gonna be long until it'll start snowing. Time for woolen socks, comfy evenings with big cups of hot tea and cuddling up with your loved ones at home. Christmas is in all the stores already, so we say it's really ok to start crafting and decorating for the holidays. Here are some ideas on how to make this time of the year more cozy and festive:

Decorate your home with bits of festive red and vintage photographs. 
Make a christmas calendar. 

DIY vintage photo display: Better Homes & Gardens, Wreath from vintage photographs: Sweet Paul
DIY baby sock christmas calendar: Martha Stewart, Folksy christmas styling: Bright Bazaar

Make comfort food and enjoy it with some good friends.

Some beautiful and tasty recipes from the new Sweet Paul Mag: Garlic Smashed Potatoes, Mushroom tarte with sage and asiagoBeef Stew with red wine. Check out the entire magazine for more delicious recipes. Especially the chocolate feature is to die for!

Spread some love with home-made hot chocolate on a stick gifts. 

Recipe and idea by Whipper Berry.

Make some soft and cozy holiday decorations.

Yarn wrapped mini trees by One Pearl Button, DIY yarn wrapped ornaments by Christopher & Tia
Felted wool garland tutorial by Whipper Berry on According to Kelly
Window pom garland by Noodlehead - originally made for Valentine's day, but it'll work beautifully for the holidays (especially when using red and/or white poms)

And this beautifully Tartan holiday inspiration (photography by Dana Gallagher) also featured in the new Sweet Paul magazine is such a perfect example on how to make your home feel cozy and festive without it being tacky or overly styled. Lovely work!


  1. I am totally in love with the deer diorama.

    - Sarah

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  6. "This is such a great collection of cozy ideas! I can imagine spending evenings on a single mattress, wrapped in blankets, enjoying comfort food. Your vintage decorations will surely make the space feel extra special. Thanks for the inspiration!"

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