Hey Look - blog header



1. Wall graphic by Blik, 2. Cake by Martha Stewart Weddings, 3. Gift cards by Tokketok via Truly Smitten, 4. Garland Mint Afternoon Etsy Shop, 5. Dotty stamp Art DIY by Carloe's Drawer , 6.Wall art by Messicakes Etsy Shop


  1. wowza! you gals did great at finding lots of beautiful dot inspirations - can't stop looking at these. so colorful & fun :)

  2. aw man! I love dots! Recently did a very similar post, including the stamp DIY!


  3. Hooray for dots! They just make things so much cheerier don't they?

  4. Pakko sanoa, että tämä on ulkoasultaan yksi hienoimpia blogeja, joita olen pitkään aikaan saanut ihailla :)

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